

In a generation where constantly seeking for a fast solution is a major trend then the thought of cheating at school, work, or in life seems like a great idea. Who would not have heard about free lunch— the prospect of getting things in life without actually working for them seems rather appealing. But here’s the truth: cheating is attributable to dishonesty and has long lasting undesirable effects. In this article, I’m going to attempt to review why cheating at credits is bad and why integrity should be your goal for success whether it’s in academics or another field.

The title of the article as well as the section is “The Illusion of Getting Away with it”.

Cheating might appear convenient at some time and in the short run. You may experience thrilling feeling of revenge against everything and everyone around you, for not letting you pull off a great scam. But this is just an illusion. In reality, infidelity usually does not last in a secret as well; it is almost impossible for one to cover it for a long time. Whether it is a professor, who saw discrepancies in your work or a boss, who realized that you were ignorant on certain issues, or even your conscience – the truth is bound to come out sooner or later.

However, the unwanted repercussions of the incidence make the mind worried all the time and this might lead to stress as one will be worried about being caught. We may sometimes feel the urge to pull off a stunt then laugh it off behind the scene is not healthy, for our image and sanity.

The Cost of Cheating

Cheating is not something that occurs independently, it affects everybody in your social circle. And in an academic context for example cheating detracts from the efforts and awards of other students who are deserving their credits honestly. Many students feel that it can devalue the institution they attend and therefore decreases the value of every student’s degree. Cheating at the workplace cost people their trust, relationships with their colleagues, and some even face the law.

On a personal level, cheating degrade one’s sense of self- worth. However, deep in your heart, you always knew that you never worked for it and this makes many people to develop some sort of guilt and inferiority complex. Slowly and gradually, cheating hampers your growth and you are unable to develop the competency which is required for making it on merit.

The Power of Integrity

Honesty to its work is the key to building a solid foundation for success. When you work hard and earn your credits, achievements and rewards you gain credibility both with your team and your customers. When people know that you are credible and have principles they will trust you and be willing to put their resources behind you.

However, when one struggles and attains success individually then it is an accomplishment that leaves a feeling of true accomplishment and self satisfaction. Some important values include, the fact that it makes one feel capable of handling other challenges in life due to the fact that you will have worked hard and smart enough in order to improve your grades.

Real Strategies for Success

Instead of seeking shortcuts, focus on strategies that lead to real success:Instead of seeking shortcuts, focus on strategies that lead to real success:

Time Management: One has to be careful not to be tempted to take shortcuts so it is important to manage the time effectively for planning of work and study.

Ask for Help: Rather than deal with things dishonestly, remember that teachers, mentors, or colleagues are always willing to help those having difficulties.

Embrace Challenges: Rewrite obstacles as challenges so that they are seen as lessons which can be learned rather than threatening barriers to come across.

Build a Support System: One must be surrounded with people who will put pressure on him in order for him to work harder.

Learning from Mistakes

If you or your partner have been involved in cheating or thinking about it then you still have a chance to change. An apology is a clear statement of the error that occurred followed by personal accountability and a pledge to be truthful in the future. The aspects of truth, diligence and efficiency ensures that even if results aren’t as impressive, you feel better about yourself and gain more satisfaction.


Although one may think that reading “How to Cheat at Credits and Get Away with It” is interesting, cheating is not a favorable approach to will bring one to success. The effect of lying is much worse than all the pros that can be associated with it. Rather lose credits, achievements and rewards with hard work and honesty than to gain them through deceit and dishonesty. Sooner or later, you will discover that personal satisfaction, self esteem and integrity are more valuable than any credit you can earn through dishonest practices

By Admin

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